Puppy Families
Nelly - 2021 Litter
May 3, 2023
Hello, I just wanted to thank you for giving us the greatest blessing of our lives and to update you on how wonderful our Lil-Bit-O-Goldens pup is! This is Nelly and she is 1 & 1/2 years old. Nelly is by far the smartest, kindest and sweetest dog we’ve ever met (and we’ve had many dogs)! Nelly is so incredibly smart that she made training easy. She has learned to hunt and is great at it (showing other dogs how to hunt too)! Nelly loves to go boating and she especially loves swimming in the water. She’s a natural! She is the kindest pup, the perfect family dog. All the kids in the neighborhood always come running for Nelly and she is naturally calm and gentle with them. No training needed. She is quite submissive and will lay down and hold still for all the kids to pet her. While she is gentle, she is also our protector, barking at the mailman when he comes. She really is the most wonderful dog and we feel so lucky to call her ours. Our life has changed for the better with Nell and I just wanted to share with you how special she is. Not to mention she is absolutely beautiful Nelly is a treasure and we couldn’t be more grateful! Thank you for breeding the smartest and sweetest pups! Chelsea & Scott

Guestbook from our previous site
Beth Mueller 11:06 AM on July 7, 2016
Hello! With a very sad heart I wanted to let you know that our Frankie passed away last week. Frank was born August 18, 2003 from Hogan and Angel and spent 12 years sharing his love with us. Thank you for connecting us with a great dog and best friend. My husband best summed up the love we shared in a FB post and thought you would like to read it:
Hello, this is Frank.
It's with a heavy heart that I must say goodbye to my wonderful family.
But not without saying Thank you!
Wow. It's been almost 13 yrs since I first met my new mom & dad. Who loved me before they knew how scared I was of blowing leaves 😐.
Thank you both for THE best 12 yrs a dog could ask for.
Thank you for a warm house in the winter a cool house in the summer & long walks down "squirrel alley".
Thank you for allowing me to partake in "human" food!...Whether you liked it or not 😁 & also for understanding my fondness for "Poopsicles".
Thank you grandpa & grandpa who always took me in when I needed supervision and an extra pound or two 🍔 along with that cat that never let me outta his sight 👀
To Henry, Hudson & Presley.
I've watched you grow into wonderful goofballs! Thank you for the entertainment 😜 and also for sharing your bedrooms 💤 and "accidentally" dropping food on the floor!
I could go on & on...but it's time to run again...and fast!
I was happiest when I was with my family & they made me feel soooo loved that I needed the biggest heart to capture it all! ❤️
Forever yours,
- Frankie "puppers" Mueller
Linda & Mark 8:27 AM on May 18, 2012
Wanted to say that "Nala" the lilest girl pup of your recent litter is doing amazing and we are so lucky to have found you and your wonderful puppies. Photos coming soon:) Thank you!
Linda & Mark
cameron 7:30 PM on March 14, 2012
Hey Connie, just wanted to say thank you so much, our little girl is just over two years old now,and out of all the dogs i have owned, she is def, the most loving one. She has been an awesome dog.
Catrin Nilsson 9:59 AM on January 18, 2010
Hi Connie! Here comes greetings from one of your puppies that lives in Sweden now! We are taking her to her first show in February. She is doing so good. We named her American princess and she really is a princess. She is exactly how we wanted our dog to be. She is gentle, playful and obedient. She even listens to my youngest daughter , 6 years old. Thank you for breeding wonderful Goldens! Love from Catrin
Lynda Y 3:41 PM on February 16, 2009
Hi Connie! I just found your site. Ruger is doing great... no shows lately I've been too busy. Hope everyone is well in your neck of the woods.
Eric 12:16 AM on February 11, 2009
I'm typing this with my 2 1/2 year old Golden, Molly, sitting at my feet. We picked her up in Nov, 2006, and she has been a wonderful dog. Not a single health problem and the best attitude we could hope for. Big part of our family!
Jim and Char 12:46 PM on January 31, 2009
We purchased a 3/4 male from Connie just over a year ago. We couldn't be happier with him. He instinctively knows just how to treat the grandkids. He is by far one of the smartest dogs that we have ever owned. We highly reccomend at least looking at her dogs. One glance at Gabriel (Auggies sire) and we were sold.